Monday, 20 February 2012

1st leg of the World Cruise of the Inland Waterways (2012)

Captains Log

Canal Date                  20th February 2012
Travels                          Tardebigge to Hopwood via Kings Norton Junction
Current Location     Hopwood

We have now officially started our world cruise (2012) of the inland canals. We said our goodbyes to Tardebigge and set off into the low clouds of a cool February day. For the first leg of this cruise we had some dear friends with us Joe & May. They have both recently travelled this journey before with us and were very keen to do it again. The weather was not that good but at least it was dry. As soon as we entered Tardebigge tunnel that changed and by the time we exited the tunnel we were all a bit damp. We continued and found much the same at Short wood tunnel. Dry on the outside, wet on the inside. We have to pass two boat hire depots, both had there entire home fleet moored and the passage was narrow but passable (just) we continued on towards Hopwood. The only boat we met was on a blind bend into a narrow bridge. I think this is an unwritten law of boating, much the same as cars when you follow a slow car for miles and every time you come to a possible passing point, there is always an other car coming towards you. Never anywhere else. We arrived at Hopwood and had a light, but more importantly, hot lunch before going on to Wast Hill tunnel. This is a 1.5km tunnel and Joe & May have farmed the ground above it and lived close to if for quite a long time but never seen inside. We went into the tunnel. Once again it was a 1.5km shower. They both enjoyed the trip so much that we turned round and returned to Hopwood. By the time we turned round at Kings Norton Junction the temperature had dropped significantly. The temperature felt even worse as we were now going into the wind. By the time we moored at Hopwood I was starting to feel very cold. It was toasty inside and it did not take long for me to feel my fingers and toes. A nice days boating spent with very nice people.

Long may it last!

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