Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Tradebigge to Hopwood

Captains Log

Canal Date       30th November 2011
Travels           Tardebigge to Hopwood

We have been made so welcome at Tardebigge it is becoming a bit of a wrench to leave, but leave we must. We have completed all of our medical appointments and I have sorted the engine problems with the Discovery nothing left to keep us there.

Whilst there we did commission  some stained glass art work for the front doors and order a new 230volt generator. Neither of them has arrived yet so we shall have to return later.

We set off at the crack of dawn on a fine winter’s day. (About 11.30) The engine only just managed to fire up. It would appear that the starter battery is now as lazy as we have become.  A new battery is required very soon!

The watery winter’s sun lit up our way and made the countryside look magnificent again. It failed miserably to throw out any heat and warm us up though. We have had weeks of dull & grey days. It is so nice to see the sun again. We saw some King Fishers again. They stand out so well with the low winter’s sun light catching their electric blue plumage.

On route, we stopped off for a pump-out and while there, I took the opportunity to purchase a new starter battery. Another run on the pound!

We are now moored up at Hopwood. I still have strong memories of last winter here when the temperatures were down to -20! I do hope that we don’t get iced in here again this winter.

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