Monday, 27 February 2012

Hopwood to Birmingham City Centre

Captains Log

Canal Date      27th February 2012
Travels         10 miles from Hopwood to Birmingham City Centre
Current Location Outside NIA Birmingham City Centre

We had an early start this morning. Well early by our standards. We had to be up and ready for our first visitor of the day, Chris to arrive. He came at 9.30 and spent an hour & half with us. He was very taken with the boat and the life style. When he left we filled the water tank and then turned the boat ready for the days trip. Our second set of visitors Sue & Des joined us for the trip into Birmingham. We set off at 12,30 and had slow cruise to the city centre. I did have to stop the engine at one point and remove some cloth from the prop. The water was painfully cold!

The weather was quite cool and we had light rain for the last hour of the journey. We moored up in our usual spot in the town centre outside the NIA. It is a good mooring, quieter than you would expect. The only problem is there are so many pubs, restaurants, and bars and so little time here. We shall not be able to try them all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! But isn't that a good excuse to go back again. I mean, you really must try them all... Lyn Adams