Thursday, 14 May 2009

Rain - What Rain?

Captains Log Canal Date 14th May 2009 Travels 9 1/2 miles 1 baby lock Current Location SP41352 - 83242 Near the Village of Shilton N-W of Coventry After spending a few days at this location, waiting for the strong winds to abate, the batteries are getting low; we are now getting seriously short on food even more important, we had run out of puddings!!!!! So it is time to move on. I was filled with dread after listening to the weather forecast. Heavy rain all day, at least there would be no wind. After an unusually early wake up (8.30) I noted that the promised rain had not started yet so we made an early start so as to get some time under our belt before the inevitable rain started. We went all the way to the start of the Ashby canal – no rain, carried on to Bedworth – No rain. We moored at Bedworth to replenish the food cupboards, a 20 minute walk from the moorings to the town. Not to bad. Unfortunately it was a 20 walk back to the boat, this time carrying fully loaded shopping bags. Why does the second 20 minutes last much longer then the first? We were very good this time, we passed no end of pubs, most of them open and serving food. We did not eat out at all. (We did bring back fish & chips but that does not count as eating out does it?) After joining the Oxford canal the boat handled much better. It’s nice to have water between the hull and the bottom of the canal. This stretch of canal is much wider and deeper that the Ashby. It follows both the M6 and the West Coat Railway, both travelling just a bit faster than me. I think that I am smiling more though. After going through a most unusual lock at Sutton Stop, only about 6” height change, we filled up with water (what exiting life we lead) Carried on for hours, at least 4 miles before mooring up. Still no rain. We are quite close to the railway but beyond hearing distance of the motorway. At least the trains only run now & then, the motorway noise is continuous. It is a lovely spot with open views in all directions; we may stay here for a day or so until this promised rain comes and goes.

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