Saturday, 18 April 2015

A whole 3.5 miles without a breakdown!

Captains Blog
Canal Date 18th April 2015

A whole 3.5 miles without a breakdown!

I was expecting to be sat stood sitting there waiting for days for another gearbox to be fitted to  the good ship Daddy Cook. I was wrong. He turned up the next day with yet another shiny new PRM150 box of gears on his little wheelbarrow. An hour & half later it was in and working. I did suggest that he may save a bit time by only putting a few of the bolts in and not tightening them up too much as it would save more time tomorrow when he has to remove it all again. He was not too impressed with that, I don’t know why. Some folk do get a bit touchy at times.

We celebrated have a working boat by going for dinner at the Sutton Cheney café. Tomorrow we shall try to move the boat in a forwards direction without the use of ropes attached to other boats. You know, the normal way with our own engine power, the way it should be.

We set off at first light (0900hrs was the first daylight I saw anyway) Everything worked just how it should. It moved forwards when forward was selected and it went backwards when reverse was selected and no odd or expensive noises were evident. We casted of and aimed for the distant port of Market Bosworth. Now this is massive voyage of almost 3 ½ miles; If it can do this then it can do anything. We it's almost twice as far as the last gearbox managed!

 I was listening for every tick, rattle or knock but no, it was working. I was concentrating so much on the gearbox that I almost failed to notice just how stunning the countryside was. With Spring everywhere it is just beyond beautiful. That green mist of Spring descends on to all of the hedgerows and trees and works its magic converting dead wood into vibrant colour and fresh life.

We made it all the way to Market Bosworth, I was more than a little relived. I have no idea how long it will be before I get any confidence back in the gearbox; it will take time as at the moment it is about zero!

Still, all is not bad with our world, we had a chip shop supper last night,  now that puts everything back to right!

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