Saturday, 7 April 2012

Shebdon to Audlem

Captains Log      3rd Leg of the new (Plan B) World Cruise.

Canal date                        7th April 2012

Start Location              Wharf Tavern Cheswardine (Bridge 55)

Finish location             Audlem Village

Miles 11                                Locks 22

We had a bad start to the night, The boat moored in front was very noisy last night. They were loud from when they came back from the pub at 11.30 and carried on until about 1.30. While this would not have bothered Pam or I, I certainly did bother Millie and that made sure that we did not sleep either!
The weather is dull and damp. Not the best weather for boating, but I do not want to stay here over Easter. No phone and no internet.
We set off with a light drizzle in the air. Nothing too bad. The canal traffic was much lighter today, probably because of the locks, they do put a 10 minute gap between boats. We travelled three separate lock flights today the first was Tyrley flight then Adderley flight where we bought some fresh bread, eggs and scones. We have done 12 out of the 15 in the Audlem flight. We were helped by a BW volunteer down the first 9 locks, that helped Pam no end. Just one extra hand makes such a difference. We moored up for the night in the centre of the village opposite the Shroppie fly pub. I know that this one will be open! A longer day than we would normally do but the weather was fine and it would have been a shame to refuse the help of the BW volunteer through the locks. As Pam has done 22 locks today I will not make her cook dinner. I will let her buy me a meal and the odd point in the pub.

Canal date                         6th April 2012
Start Location                      Shebdon (The CLOSED Anchor Inn)
Finish location                       Cheswardine The Wharf Inn (Bridge 55)

Miles 6 1/2       Locks 0 Start
As the forecast was for a severe frost last night, we made the fire up. We have done this hundreds of nights. Last night the c0 alarm went off twice. I have no idea why fumes were getting out of the fire and into the boat. A worrying development. I think that there may have been too much fuel on the fire and it may have been turned down too much. I opened the fire a little and it did not go off after that. At least we now know that the alarm works and wakes us. We did not wake up dead at all! Just to make up for the broken nights sleep, the frost never came and it was not that cold outside when we got up.
We Set off at about 10.00. very much the same as yesterday, we were in a convoy of at least five other boaters. The weather started off quite cold and soon became much colder. It did not take much to convince us that it would be a good idea to stop for lunch and let the other boats fight for the locks while we warm up in a pub with a big roaring fire and a pint in my hand.
We did stop at a pub, not just any pub but a pub that was open and more importantly, serving food. Very good food it was too. After a very short discussion we decided to stay here for tonight.

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