Thursday, 8 March 2012

Dimmingsdale to Greensforge

Captains Log         5th Leg of the World Cruise.

Start Location Dimmingsdale Lock
Finish location Greens Forge Lock (Navigation Inn)

Miles  6        Locks 13

A bright and cheerful start to the day, apart that is from the noise that the BW work boat made first thing this morning.
The sun is shinning, it’s a bit warmer a good day for not going to work if ever there was one.
Almost as soon as we started of we became stuck. The boat became jammed in Dimmingsdale lock. I think there was something under us and we were trapped by some branches that the BW workmen had just cut down. After a 45 minutes of filling & emptying, backward & forwarding we eventually got out. The workmen were making a right old mess of the canal. They were cutting back the trees & bushes on the off side bank. All very good but they were throwing all the chippings and the branches back into the canal. We stopped at the bottom of Bratch and walked to the Station Cafe for lunch. Always very good food there and today was no exception. We then carried on and caught up with the BW workmen at Bumble hole lock. They insisted on going through first. We did not mind at all, without gloating too much, we have all day and they do have a job to do  and we don't. We caught them up again not long after and this time we were determind to overtake them before the next lock, which was a staircase lock. All the way the sun was shinning and everyone seemed to be so happy – even the fishermen!

It must be Spring now as green is bursting out of the bushes and trees. everywhere you look you see a green mist decending on the hedgerows  . It will not be long before little yellow fluffy ducks are running on top of the water.

We moored up for the night on the visitor’s moorings below Greens forge Lock and to my complete and utter surprise there is a nice welcoming pub opposite. Well, as I have often said before – It would be rude not to call in.

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